The Sands Cares Accelerator
More than philanthropy, Sands Cares creates meaningful change in our communities. One way we do this is through the Sands Cares Accelerator.

Propelling Nonprofits Forward

An Entrepreneurial Approach
Inspired by the entrepreneurial and philanthropic spirit of Sands’ Founder Sheldon G. Adelson, the Sands Cares Accelerator is a unique program that helps fast-track nonprofit organizations toward the next stage in their evolution.

Accelerating Impact
During a three-year membership in the Accelerator, nonprofits receive strategic guidance, mentorship and financial investment to help them advance to new levels of service or achieve specific goals.

Sands Cares INSPIRE Charity Concert
Accelerator members benefit from the program’s signature fundraising event: The Sands Cares INSPIRE Charity Concert. Fully underwritten by Sands with 100 percent of ticket sales directed to Accelerator members, the Las Vegas concert has featured music icons such as Kelly Clarkson, Jason Mraz and Jewel.

Our Success
Since the Accelerator’s inception in 2017, Sands has invited five organizations into the exclusive program. In 2020, Sands graduated the program’s first member, the Marty Hennessy Inspiring Children Foundation. Leaders have credited Sands with helping change the trajectory of the Foundation to expand, grow and develop new programs.