News | November 26, 2024
2024 Sands Cares Global Hygiene Kit Build Nets 70,000 Kits for Clean the World and 1 Million Since 2014

The 2024 Sands Cares Global Hygiene Kit Build achieved a major milestone in Sands’ decade-long partnership with Clean the World and its affiliated nonprofit organization, The WASH Foundation. In assembling 70,000 kits for people facing hardships in Sands’ regions, Team Members surpassed the 1 million mark for Clean the World hygiene kits built since 2014.
Marina Bay Sands Team Members put Sands over the milestone during its kit build on October 2 when more than 600 Team Members assembled 30,000 hygiene kits including shower amenities, dental care items and special messages of encouragement. Clean the World and The WASH Foundation distributed kits to people in need through Children International in the Philippines and locally by Singapore Red Cross.
“We had a lot to celebrate this year – our 10th anniversary of the annual kit build with Clean the World and our one millionth hygiene kit assembled,” Ron Reese, senior vice president of global communications and corporate affairs, who spearheads corporate responsibility initiatives, said. “But what is most important to celebrate is the way our Team Members have made helping people facing hardships a beloved annual volunteer event with their enthusiastic and giving spirit. These milestones have happened because they’ve embraced the program so fully.”
Sands China held its build at the end of October, when 350 Team Members and community volunteers assembled 30,000 hygiene kits in just three hours. The kits were distributed to 15 community groups in Macao, Hong Kong and the Philippines for people facing hardships, natural disasters and other crises.
The 2024 Sands Cares Global Hygiene Kit Build series concluded at corporate headquarters in early November, when Team Members worked over three days to assemble 10,000 hygiene kits that are being distributed through Clean the World’s Fresh Start Mobile Hygiene Unit, which offers free showers to homeless individuals; Project 150, which helps homeless and disadvantaged teens stay in school; The Shade Tree, Nevada’s leading domestic violence shelter and resource center; U.S. Vets; and Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth.
“It is amazing to consider the cumulative results of the Sands Cares Global Hygiene Kit Build over the past 10 years,” Shawn Seipler founder and CEO of Clean the World Global and chairman of the board of Clean the World Foundation, said. “Thanks to the enduring commitment and passion of Sands and its Team Members around the world for this annual event and our mission, we have created and distributed through our partners more than one million hygiene kits to individuals and families facing hardship and crisis. They have made a difference in thousands and thousands of lives, and we thank all of the Sands Team Members who have participated for their continued contributions.”
The annual Sands Cares Global Hygiene Kit Build with Clean the World supports Sands’ global priority on addressing hardship relief for people in need by delivering critical hygiene supplies to disadvantaged populations and aiding people in recovering from disasters and other crisis situations. The annual kit build is a major component of Sands’ partnership with Clean the World and The WASH Foundation. The company has provided more than $5.6 million in Sands Cares funding since 2014 to support the nonprofit organization’s water, sanitation and hygiene initiatives.
The hygiene kit build is one of three global Sands Cares programs along with the Sands Cares Global Food Kit Build and the Sands Cares Accelerator, which helps advance nonprofit organizations to achieve greater community impact. Together, these programs unify Sands’ regions around the world in helping to ensure their local communities remain great places to live, work and visit.