News | October 22, 2018
Summit 18: Faces of Collaboration –Tayvon
Tayvon graduated from the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth (NPHY)’s Independent Living Program (ILP) in September of 2017. Through the ILP program, he was able to obtain a guard card, food handlers card, ID, make quality friendships, and gain the confidence to be himself. He was able to learn life skills such as time management, how to open a bank account, setting priorities, and job preparedness. NPHY allowed him to hold stable employment, the ability to work on obtaining his GED, and exploring more ways to get involved in the community through volunteering. Tayvon says he will forever be grateful to NPHY for making him feel as a part of a family and teaching him to treat himself better and to believe that being on his own was possible.
What is your role in the development of The Plan?
I was involved in The Plan by spreading knowledge about what it is like to be a homeless youth. I expressed the inability to trust people and that issue needs to be remedied in order for homeless youth to ask for help. We have no power as homeless youth because we are so dependent on others.
Why is it important for you to join The Movement?
It’s important to be a part of The Movement because I am The Movement! I know how hard it is to trust and reach out for help. I want to use my story to help other youth to understand how to trust people going forward.
What do you think is the most important element needed to end youth homelessness?
We need to find people who care about the commitment to end youth homelessness. We need people to understand our experiences and understand how hard it is for us to trust again. It’s hard to trust adults because adults put us in this situation.
What is your hope for youth homelessness?
I hope it ends. I also think once youth homelessness ends then all homelessness ends. If we can solve this, then we can solve anything.