News | December 3, 2019
Sands ECO360 Pursues “One Million Eco Actions” by the end of 2020
Working in unison with our stakeholders, we believe that Las Vegas Sands can make a meaningful difference to the quality of our environment, multiplying our positive impacts both now and into the future. Through Sands ECO360, we are on a sustainability journey, and we want our more than 50,000 Team Members to be a part of it. In pursuit of that journey, we’ve set a goal of performing one million Sands ECO360 actions—positive, measurable environmental improvements—by the end of 2020. With more than 900,000 ECO360 actions taken so far, we’re well on our way to achieving our goal.
The recent Better Life Bazar at Marina Bay Sands in September is just one example of how we engage our Team Members in sustainability, and featured sustainable vendors showcasing environmentally and socially responsible products. Some items on display were fruit-based cleaning products and reusable beeswax wraps that Team Members could incorporate into their daily routines, helping them build more sustainable habits. Additionally, more than 300 Team Members participated in hands-on workshops during the event, learning to upcycle used plastic bottles into self-watering planters, make eco-enzyme household cleaners using fruit waste and more.
The sustainable Halloween booth contest held at The Venetian Resort’s Trick o’ Treat Safe Street event gets our U.S.-based Team Members engaged in sustainability, as well. The event, taking place every October, invites Team Members and their children to enjoy a variety of Halloween-themed booths, all built by Team Members using upcycled and recycled materials. Through the process of planning their booths, gathering the materials and assembling it all together, Team Members learn how important it is—and how easy it can be—to consider environmental impacts in all aspects of their lives.
Other initiatives encourage Team Members to use more sustainable products in their everyday lives by offering eco-friendly alternatives in exchange for one-use plastics. This was on full display at a Team Member Town Hall event at The Venetian Resort earlier in 2019, where Team Members turned in approximately 5,500, single-use plastic bags. The bags were sent to a special facility for recycling, and the Team Members themselves received reusable, environmentally friendly bags in exchange. And at Sands China Ltd., Team Members pledged their commitment to reducing plastics in the environment by giving up everything from water bottles to takeout food containers. 3,300 Team Members pledged to go plastic-free, and the Sands ECO360 team helped them along by giving them 28,000 reusable metal straws.
Each of these unique engagement activities helps our Team Members make the connection between the environment and their daily lives. Ultimately, our Team Members are at the front lines of carrying out the company’s sustainability initiatives, and they’re a key reason we are able to set and meet our ambitious environmental goals.